About Us

Who Are We-

All Scam Report is an online help community for the victims of fraud. Frauds, that are taking surge in number day to day, resulting to the loss of funds of people. The increasing popularity and acceptance of digital platforms have led to an increase in the number of frauds. Hence, it is always advisable for people to check the reviews and reports of a particular platform before actually dealing with them. We are a team of experts and experienced professionals in the field of fund recovery for scam victims, whether it be any scam related to forex scam, crypto scam, romance scam, or any online or digital scam. 

What All Scam Reports Do-

With the objective of helping and guiding the general public, All Scam Reports aims at offering several scam reports of brokers and scammers to help you out in choosing your perfect source. Read the scam reports here that will definitely help you in understanding a better picture of how scams work and how to deal with them. Also, get a free consultation by filling few details in the form. 

All Scam Reports Objectives-

Losing all your hard-earned money is the worst situation anyone can face. It can destroy a person mentally and physically. Furthermore, looking out for help seems more difficult once you have been scammed. Various help communities are operating in the market but the truthfulness and genuineness of the platform are not known.  All Scam Reports believes in helping the victims of the frauds at the earliest. We understand you and your situation in the most effective way and are always ready to listen to you and guide you in the fund recovery process.

Impact of Scams-

Being scammed does not only cause financial loss. It leads to mental stress, depression, etc. Online scams lead to a negative impact on the mind of the victims. No matter if the loss is small or big, it can directly impact one’s physical and mental health. Scams do not target a particular group but anyone can fall for this without realizing it. Some of the impacts of scams are mentioned below-

  • Researches suggest that the impact of scam results in the worry and anxiety to the people.
  • Coping from the scam becomes difficult, leading to a lack of trust in another person.
  • People, embarrassed and ashamed, start blaming themselves leading to lower confidence.
  • After being scammed online, people spent less amount of time using the internet, which limits their knowledge and the benefits they can achieve online.
  • Financial insecurities leading to chaos in the life of victims and the people around them.


Get Your Lost Funds Back

Many people are unaware of the fact that is possible to get their lost funds back. Yes, you read it right. All Scam Reports is here to help you out in this situation with their expert knowledge and experience. Get help in recovering your lost funds with us. We are here, with the aim of guiding you and offering you the best possible solutions in your fund recovery process. Whether it is any kind of scam related to Forex, Romance scam, Pet scam, Crypto Scam, or any other scam, All Scam Reports know how to get it back from the scammers.

Remember, you have the right to get your lost funds back. the victims of the fraud should not fear, instead, fight for it and get their money back from the scammers. With the help of All Scam Reports, it is possible to get your funds back. The scammers, being smart and creative does not have any authority to use your funds by defrauding you, and hence, true dedication and proper work are required to get the money back smoothly.

If you have been victimized by any kind of fraud, feel free to reach out to us by filling the form. We will be happy to help you in your well-ordered fund recovery journey.

Every year thousands of people/investors/traders get scammed by crooked and dishonest scammers like cryptocurrency scams, pension scams, tax scams, weight loss scams, adoption scams, fund recovery scams, pet scams, etc., and lose tens of thousands of dollars to them.


Being scammed is a bitter pill to swallow. Scammers are getting more and more sophisticated and are getting more lethal. They keep using the most popular sites and much-visited websites to lure the victim. To keep up with their pace we continuously update our case-winning strategy as per the requirements and clients’ budgets.


Our community and team are made up of members from different industries, sectors, and fields. This helps us to offer our clients a variety of possible solutions to their problems. Your immediate action increases your chances to recover most of your scammed fund.


You as an investor/trader are eligible for a refund from scammers/brokers in a legal way. Do remember to voice your concern online and drop your reviews/stories on different websites/platforms/forums. By doing so, you will alert other investors/traders to being scammed.



Do contact the financial regulator in your jurisdiction through phone, post, letter, email, etc. so they can keep a close watch on the fraudster/scammer activities on their radar.